SP1 – Case Studys
As a group, we have some concerns around practices that still see outdated methods to support either operational planning, deployment and events, which will undoubtedly continue to see criticism post-event. We hope the impending ‘protect duty’, will support, guide, and potentially mandate affected agencies toward best practice.
The below identifies some incidents that SP1 can provide and its advantages, as a direct comparison. The working group and relevant leads have confirmed the SP1 application within the below incidents and how it could have been used to support each and what may have been seen and heard at any given inquest had its application been utilised.
Manchester Arena and Active Shooter Texas
3D Modelling internal and external allowed for an effective briefing to event staff. Interactive planning and briefing/testing phase tested evacuation and contingencies with ‘overlays’, from fire, active shooter bomb and chemical and crowd rush. This was accessible to all agencies
Pre-event e-learning and assessment package was delivered to event staff, police officers and Commanders linked to 3D modelling of the site was undertaken and tested contingencies
Tracking via app to establish staff location during event established what areas had been checked and visited and allowed supervisors to monitor
The modelling used by all ‘blue light agencies’, was shared on one platform and used and coordinated suitable RV points and identified all other agencies’ positions
All responders had access to the internal structure
Subject/suspicious behaviour identified and tracked and monitored by staff via phone and control
Post-incident mapping was used to support the CSI function
3D Modelling was used ‘fast time’ to support air evacuation in the measurement of suitable landing zones for medevac
Tier 1 / CTSFO
VR (Virtuality Training) of the scanned site, allowed for detailed knowledge of the location and quicker response. It was identified that the VR training, whilst also being a highly cost-effective process, allowed and provided a far more coordinated and structured response. The overall response saved lives
Modelling will provide a detailed structure of walls, doors and thickness in the planning phase and provide the right tactical equipment in breeching and access
Live mapping and tracking provided Commanders with detailed access to the venue, locations of assault teams and injured. This saved lives
Blue light partners, including HART, had access to the same platform which created a joined-up and coordinated response, particularly with RV points.
Suspects were identified and photographed and tracked within the modelling.
Maritime Andromeda
(Potential Hijack)
Scanning of the vessel or similarly provided operators with detailed structure and knowledge from the Maca request
VR rehearsal in the planning phase with overlay contingencies provided supported the response
Overlays of the sea state, tide and weather provided in support of modelling identified considerable advantages in planning deliberate action
Modelling significantly supported PoR and partner agencies in its response